Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Ok, first of all, so sorry for not posting in like 2 weeks! I think I'm starting to get some energy back now, but for a while there I was just dragging! Anyway, Jude was a rooster today for the big daycare parade.
He was so funny! All parading around until he saw his old buds from the infant room in their buggy; he had to go greet them and then help push their buggy around the playground. He thinks he is such big stuff now!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cousin Fun

Jude thoroughly enjoyed his weekend with the Zeller cousins...Chase drove Jude all around in his little Jeep and Jude just thought he was somethin'!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Couples in Common?

What do these two couples have in common...Um, well they are now both expecting little ones---4 DAYS APART! Congratulations Lena & Aaron!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tanner's Trip

Jude thoroughly enjoyed himself on Saturday when Grandma, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Carrie, and Mommy escorted him to Tanner's to hand-pick some apples.

Loved touching all the pumpkins..there were hundreds!
And of course, had to get a picture on the school bus..(with mom being a teacher and all :)
So, here's one of Jude's hand-picked apples that he was so proud of. Watch in the sideways video's really funny, well until the end..those apples on the ground can be dangerous!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jude knows what's up!

So, Mom bought me this book when I was pregnant with Jude. The title is Baby Owner's Manual. It gives all sorts of instructions for how to deal with a new baby-toddler age child. This book has been sitting on a shelf collecting dust for, oh, about 6 months or more and all of a sudden, this weekend Jude picks it up off the shelf...scoots on into his room, up into his rocking chair, and pretends to be reading this book. It's like, does he know something's up or what? I was just cracking up. Each day since, he's been faithfully reading it (or thumbing through the pages:)