Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The story of Eve...Jude's rendition

I had quite a time trying to upload this I ended up loading it on and here is the link for it!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Abe's cousin Scott, carried this one specific picture (I'm sure you can guess which one doesn't belong here) around to all the kids at the New Year's Eve party, asking them each, if they knew who the photo was and each response was..."Jude, of course!!"

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Babes

It seems the older Livey gets, the more Jude likes her. Now, I know this could all change or just be a coincidence, but whatever the case may be...I'm goin' with it! Little Miss Livey started crawling full force this weekend. She started out with a few moves and by today it turned into a clear-across-the-room move! Pretty impressive...she's just trying to keep up with Jude--who am I kidding? Check out the rolls on this babe!!They have so much fun together in the bath...Jude kind of does what he wants and she just cracks up at him! It's a win-win situation :)