Yes, it has been since September, since I have posted. That is very sad. Six months. Anyway...basketball is OVER, and although I am normally happy about this statement, this year, it brought tears. Yes, tears. They were such an awesome group of young men for Abe to coach and for our children to be "mentored" by. The kids fell in L.O.V.E with each "rocket". Towards the end of the season, we started to ride the bus to the games, to save on gas $. Olivia fell in love with a few and Jude learned to play plenty of games on their phones & ipods..as he hopped from seat to seat, not to overwhelm a one. And I, enjoyed playing their game called "Contact"- a mind/word game, not sure where it came from, but it was so fun! The boys this year were so enjoyable, loved the game, respected their coach, and knew how to have fun! Also, the girls that cheered on the rockets had a special connection with the kids as well.

This was taken on a day Grandma & Grandpa Schoppet babysat. They love cuddling up and reading books with Grandma in the recliner. This day...they were beat. They both fell asleep on her lap within minutes. I had to capture the moment.

We also had a new "do" in the house. Olivia got her thin hair chopped off! I LOVE it! It's so easy to style & that thin, stringy stuff is gone :) Aunt Nancy came to visit for a day & the kids enjoyed playing Hi-Ho Cheerio with her!

This was taken the night we had all the "Rockets" over for dinner. The kids planned a LOT. They placed little trinkets around the house on display for them to see. It was quite humorous. The night ended with flash light hide-and-seek. I think the rockets were as into it as Jude was. Loved it!