Jude; well I feel like the guy is playing hookie or something. They call me again today around 2:00pm...Blowouts are happening again; so I go pick him up because Abe's principal won't let him go get Jude (I sware, this lady is like the principal out of the movie MATILDA, if you can get a mental picture...so we decide today to make a trip back to the hospital and visit all the girls --and 2 men I work with. Following the trip to ole' MMCI; we make another run to the grocery store in the jogger. Man does he get the ladies...when I say ladies; I mean older ladies...all of them pointing their finger "oh you little cutie" "oh look at those eyes" "are you having fun" all in this little voice, you know, that older women do....Jude just stares at them with this face, like "Are you kidding me?" Anyway; he was very proud because he got to hold the bag of shredded cheese the entire time around the store and back home. Hopefully tomorrow we make it through a full day.

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