Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer Fun

Ok, so another picture of Abe as a child was "released"...anyone see the resemblance?
Jude and Kate had an amazing "play" date together! Really, I think he likes her a lot Amanda!
And here's my Livey Girl...I think I call her "Liv, Livey, Livey Girl" way more than Olivia! She's a little sweetheart and Jude is loving her! I took her into daycare the other day to pick Jude up and I set her carrier on the table and all the kids flocked towards her. Jude immediately started yelling "My baaaaabbbbbyyyy!!!" I know he loves her! Now, if only he could understand why we don't want him to jump on her!
I am having way too much fun with these too...going back to work is going to be rough!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Now I can see the pictures! Totally see the resemblance between the two! Can't wait to see you Monday!