Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to School

Abe went back to school last week and we are adapting to us both being away from home throughout the week. He is in the midst of "coaching" golf. Isn't really difficult coaching, just requires TIME, which I feel like we lack--as a family. We'll get through it, it just seems so fast-paced at times. Run, run, run! Here is little Miss Livey from this morning's coffee w/ Becky and Caleb. She is growing so rapidly. She's full of giggles and smiles and is doing an amazing job w/ holding her head up. We tried the Bumbo last night and she did really well.
This is Jude & Ben w/ their "Gree & Nana" out at the lake. They were preparing to head out into the sun and work w/ the water! Jude absolutely loved the boat ride that "Nana" took them on.

These pics were taken by Katie on Tuesday afternoon (after no nap from Jude). I thought he would be horrible, but turns out, fruit snacks do wonders! Great job Katie! Can't wait to see more :)


Granna said...

Well, this is the 2nd try for this. Wouldn't take my password. Just love the smile on Livey now. Can't wait to see both of them again - when my cold is gone!! Jude and Ben look so busy "working with water toys on deck". He is growing up so fast. Love the pics from Katie...... Jude looks like "one COOL DUDE from the 60's! with the shirt collar turned up.
Keep those pictures coming!
Love, Granna

Carrie said...

Seriously, those two should model! That picture of Jude looks like a Gap ad!

Kristen said...

Love the pictures Katie did - Jude is gonna be a heartbreaker! We had so much fun with you at the lake. Can't wait til we live closer!