Within about a six week time period, the Lord has brought about a lot of change within the Zeller household. It all started with Abe and I deciding that I am going to stay at home more with the two kiddos. I came to realize that I was feeling as if I were missing out on them, more than I had ever felt before and we decided just to go ahead and try it out and see how it goes. It may be for just a few years, who knows. I am hoping to continue working for 1-2 days a week if they can allow me to do so, if not, we'll see what other opportunities come my way. About a week after that decision, Abe was approached about being the pool manager for Roanoke's pool for the summer...and following that, he found out that he will be the Athletic Director starting in the fall. It's like, "Wow, God!"...it's so amazing to see how things fall into place when you just let Him be in control. I had struggled for over a year with the decision to stay home, because I knew financially it would be hard on us, but my heart kept telling me otherwise. Lots of prayer and discussion was put in this past time that it was brought up and I believe this is the right decision. And then, I feel with these opportunities for Abe (both of which, he is so excited for) were both confirmation that this was meant to be. He will be gone a ton with all the home games for athletics throughout the year, not to mention Basketball and golf and this will allow there to be a constant at home (and not on the road for an hour+ each day). Anyway, that is where we stand right now as we are awaiting my position to be filled at work. I have been at Methodist for 9 years this August and it will be really hard to leave my family there, but I know my family at home will be thankful. I will try to keep posted!
That's awesome, Em. I'm glad things have worked out. You will love being at home with the kiddos.
That's great! I am so happy for you and your family! Enjoy those kiddos too they are precious! :)
Thanks girls..and Kimberly, I am still praying for you. I hate to share joyous/exciting news when others are mourning, I do pray for you.
Praise God for his amazing provision! He is so faithful and knows our hearts desires!
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