Not neglect from my kids, but from this poor blog.

Halloween was a lot of fun for the kids this year, especially Jude. He was a good helper to Livs too, although I think he took some of the candy as "pay" for helping her :)

Yes, I stay at home usually 3 days/week, however, it seems that I, somehow, have less time to mess with this silly blog. It takes time and effort. I admit, I fail :) Here are some latest pics of the kiddos and a video of Livs...it is funny, she was totally reading, or attempting to read this piece of paper until I got the camera out and then, all she wanted to do was say "cheese". What a stinker she has become! She began climbing out of her crib at age 18months...and therefore we have transferred her to a toddler bed, much to our dismay. She insists on sitting at the table with us. She feeds Charlie (our dog) her food. She tells me "No, no". She can clearly say the words "Juuude, maMA, dadddaaa, NO". She loves fruit snacks. She loves Jude's stuffed dog, named Jax (after Aunt Carrie & Uncle Brett's dog).
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