So, we (I) decided we could not be procrastinators when it came to switching Jude from Crib to "Big Bed" since we have a baby coming in April and that would be an adjustment in itself... Me, being the planner I am, thought we should try w/ plenty of time to spare for issues. Abe, on the other hand, saw no need to start early. I let it go for a few weeks and then brought it up again. This time he didn't fight me. So, Friday night...woke up twice--not bad for the first night. Saturday night; slept all the way until 5:30am. Sunday night; again 5:00am. Monday night; woke up at midnight; and then when I went in to wake him at 6:30, he was sound asleep on the floor. I think he decided "forget this bed"...he had his blanket wrapped around him and everything. I wish I would've gotten a picture of it! Anyway; pray for our patience in dealing w/ this big adjustment and for Jude to become adjusted to this new way of sleeping! We need it!
Hi Emily,
I am the same way, such a planner. Hang in there, he will do great. Changes are hard though. Jackson still falls asleep next to his bed and then once he is asleep I move him to his bed. This has been going on for months now. :)
oh dear! We'll pray. My word he looks like such a big boy in that picture! Where did our babies go?
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