Jude's school put in a "Mingle with Kris Kringle" this past Saturday and we thought this year, he would actually enjoy seeing a Santa and sitting on the lap and the whole bit. We thought, it could go either way--he could be totally freaked out or totally love it. I'd say he loved it! And little Livey wasn't scared one bit, she just wanted to take that fake beard right off the guy's face!

Things are beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Zeller house. Yes, looking like Christmas means, the house, on most days is kind of a disaster--ie. Basketball season is underway. We had our first win of the season this past Friday; very exciting! Livey is trying her hardest to crawl, but just doesn't have it down yet. She kind of does the "rocking" thing on all fours....until she gives up and puts herself in the superman position. Then she really gets ticked off! She'll get there sooner or later (especially if she's trying to keep up with, or get away from Jude:)
That's all for now, hopefully this isn't my last post before Christmas, but if it is,
Hi Emily...Carrie shared your blog address a while back and I stop in from time to time. Your kiddos are so fun! Sounds like Durham is doing what little Livey is doing...rocking, belly flop, army crawl. Somehow he manages to get to where he wants to go! Hope your Christmas is magical!
How cute! You guys have a Merry Christmas too!!
Love the fact that Livs is trying to pull off Santa's beard! so cute!
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