Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jude's Rough Night

Tonight, Abe and Jude went to the girls' basketball game at RB and when they arrived back home prior to 8pm (both with frowns on their faces), I knew it wasn't good. Jude right away said to me, "I was a bad boy at the basketball game".
I took him in his room to get his pajamas on and I said, "Did you not obey Daddy?"
He right away started crying and said, "I still want presents???"
I said, "Well, we need to tell Daddy sorry and ask Jesus for forgiveness".
Jude says, "You call Jesus on your phone.?.?.?"
I couldn't help but laugh...and said, "Well, how bout' we pray?"
Jude said, "o....k...."
Usually when we lay down with him for bed, he'll try to prolong sleeping as much as possible by saying things like, "what you doin' mommy" or "I need a drink", but tonight it was "I wanna pray again" and I said, "What do you want to pray about?"
Jude says "wanna say sorry". The boy cracks me up, but at least he's starting to "get it".


Kristy said...

Aww, what a poor little boy!! What did he do that was so bad? I feel for him...

emily zeller said...

Just being his usual self...I think he just wasn't obeying Abe and running around like a mad man at the basketball game! :)