Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby Massage

When Jude was a few months old, we attended a few Baby Massage classes. We never thought it would turn into this. He now uses a battery-operated, hand-held, massage devices to soothe his head! Actually, Abe taught him. Abe has always loved to have his head rubbed; or for someone to do it for him. It's rubbing off on Jude.


Kristen said...

You need to show Jude how fun it is to give mommy a back massage with that thing!

joyphotography said...

Just had to tell you that I miss you guys so much. I am so sorry that we haven't been able to get together...I hate it!!!! Let's not do a stretch like this again. Can't wait to PF with you!

Jason, Kate and Tait Miller said...

Okay- we are meeting at nate and joys at 5:30 on Friday nite. Will that work for you guys? Or do we need to make it 6?

Jessica Jacob said...

Hey Emily! Yay another blog, I'm a blog reading junkie! I don't mind at all that Lena sent this on. I actually had my mom make that blanket, I found that fabric online. I think it was called juicy jungle maybe??

Anyway, I'm sure you get this all the time, but I can't believe what an Abe look-a-like Jude is. He's adorable!