So, I took Olivia for her almost 3-week check-up yesterday and she weighed in at a whopping 9lb 80z! Seriously, the girl is a great eater! She's in the 75th percentile for weight and height! She's a growing girl!

photo by Joy Ruggard
I also mentioned to the Dr. about Jude not sleeping through the night. She advised that we NOT lay next to him at all, especially not in the middle of the night, because if he does wake up, he expects that he'll see us there and then when we're not, he freaks out. So, last night we left him in there, didn't lay with him. He cried for about 10 minutes and then it was silent and he slept through the night! Praise the Lord! I peeked in on him in the am to make sure he did make it into his bed...and he had! I told Abe, "what if he like hit his head and knocked himself out and that's why he's not crying anymore?", but thankfully that was not the case.
Olivia had her best night too! Slept 4 hours straight! Now, we'll see what tonight brings!