So, here's baby Olivia at one-week old... She's quite the eater. We took her in for a 4-day check-up...When we left the hospital on Sunday, she was 7lb 3oz and on Tuesday she was 8lb! "No need for a one-week weight check-up" they told us...She's gaining just fine.

Big brother Jude is adjusting as expected.. He wants to "hold baby" quite often and give her kisses and touch her eyes. After a few minutes he realizes she's pretty boring and he goes back to whatever he was doing. The only real issue so far, is, he's decided to wake up in the middle of the night and not want to go back to sleep. I took him in to have his ears checked for infection but turns out, no infection...could be the big adjustment to life with a sibling. Other than that, we're managing!
She is just beautiful! Sounds like you were made for this mommy stuff! No big deal going from 1 to 2! Prayin that Jude begins to adjust and sleep!
She's adorable!! I can't believe how much different she looks from her newborn pics. I can see a lot of you in her - and I'm not just saying that to make you feel good!! Miss you guys!!
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