Wednesday, August 13, 2008

He Shoots He Scores!

So, Jude learned, the other night, the purpose of the BALL! It's not only to throw to someone or to NO ONE (in Jude's case), but it is to SLAM DUNK! Jude, after some "positive reinforcement", or so Coach Zeller says, Jude got the hang of takin' it to the hoop (awh Kristen, do I hear a little GHS Cheer there?) Anyway, watch the video, if you wish!


Jason, Kate and Tait Miller said...

How fun! I bet Abe was beaming! How cute! We all HAVE to get together soon- before b-ball is in full swing! How's the new house and life in Roanoke?

Kristen said...

"Step on the sidewalk, step on the grass. Step on the sidewalk, step on the grass. Now stop, and snake, and let your body shake!" Don't know what that has to do with bball (or anything for that matter!), but it sure was a great cheer back in the day!! Nice moves, Jude!