Friday, August 22, 2008

Sleepy Boy!

Jude has had a really "off" week this week--taking abnormally long naps; being abnormally fussy and the past two nights, has fallen asleep on the way home from Peoria (5:00ish) and slept until the morning and yes--Missing his dinners! The girls at work are giving me a hard time for not feeding poor little Jude. I think you can see he's perfectly content here in his crib...with meat on his bones.. None-the-less..I don't know what's wrong with the poor kid!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor kid! Lucy had that a few weeks ago and I ended up taking her in b/c she just just not herself. She had an ear infection. Or maybe he's just teething. It's so sad when they're sick!